Thursday, January 31, 2008

The sick really are sick

Ok, maybe I was just a wee bit cranky yesterday. I blame it on lack of sleep. Eric went to the doctor yesterday and I told him since he was going anyway, he could take Ethan with him. Well Ethan doesn't have an ear infection, just a little bit of fluid and a red throat. Hmmmm. I would assume the red throat was due to the screaming fit the night before. Eric, on the other hand, has a severe double ear infection! The doctor wanted to know why he hadn't come in sooner. Soooo, Eric really is in pain and I don't know what the heck Ethan's problem is other than he just wants to be a PITA…(btw, he was up at 3:30 this morning, hence my cranky mood again). And now, Ereka is starting to get a head cold. The vicious cycle never ends…

Here are some things to ponder today…

If aliens are smart enough to travel through space why do they keep abducting the dumbest people?
If we're not supposed to eat late night snacks why is there a light in the refrigerator?
If babies are so cute when they're born, how come half of them grow up to be ugly old men?
Why doesn't "Buick" rhyme with "quick?"
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Why do psychics have to ask for your name?
If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth?
Is it really an optical illusion, or does it just look that way?
Can a person without eyebrows show surprise?
Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed ?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why don't I ever get to be sick???

Why are men such big babies when they're sick? They are worse than children! My son has been sick for a few days now with a stomach bug and I'm pretty sure he has an ear infection now. I came to this conclusion at about 3 am when he was crying his head off and pulling at his ear. I think I got about 2 hours of sleep last night so I'm a little cranky today. But things like this come with being a parent, right? WRONG. Things come like this with being a Mother. Because when the kids are sick, apparently only mommies know how to take care of them. My son wanted nothing to do with anyone on Sunday except me. That's ok. I had the day off. Sunday night, he was still sick and at about 4:22 a.m. Monday morning, I had decided that I would not go to work on Monday since I probably wouldn't get much done anyway because of lack of sleep. On Monday, he was doing soooo much better. He actually let my husband hold him in the afternoon and he ate dinner pretty well. He only woke up once Monday night (it was my husband's turn to get up with him…funny how it always works that way) and so I thought GREAT, he's better! Last night proved me wrong. On top of all this, my husband has a head cold. And you would think it was the end of the world. He has quickly learned though that he will get no sympathy from me whatsoever. When I'm sick, I still go to work, take care of the house, take care of the kids, cook, clean, etc., etc., etc. That's what mothers are supposed to do. That's the way its been for generations. HELLOOOOO. We are in the year 2008. It's all about equal opportunity! And that includes roles in the home too. You're sick? I'm sorry. Here, take this, suck it up and give Ethan a bath. You can still walk, talk and breathe, so you can still help out around here. If I can do it, so can you. And that's that.

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Hobby!!

Well I picked up a new hobby last week. Like I really need something else to do with all my spare time (please note the sarcasm). Anyway, my new hobby; Loom Knitting. I absolutely love it! It's sooooo easy to do. I had taught myself to knit (with needles) a little over two years ago. I wanted to learn so I could make blankets. However, I quickly realized just how long it would take to make a blanket and I just don't have time to keep up with a long project like that. I'm an instant gratification kind of person. So I pretty much picked up the needles every few months or so. Well last week I discovered loom knitting. My very first project was a hat for my daughter and I started AND finished it in just one evening! It took about 4 hours (with a few interruptions). I was so thrilled, I started a hat for my husband the next night and it only took 2 evenings to finish that. The first hat I needle-knitted for my son took over 4 months!! This weekend, I made a beanie hat, a potholder and a coozie! I'm hoping to keep this up and start a blanket in a month or so. Eventually I hope to be good enough to design my own patterns. There is tons of stuff online that makes learning sooooo easy. There are even instructional videos on YouTube! Here's a couple of pictures of what I've done.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Another Baby? Over my dead body!

Ok so I'm a few days late, but Happy New Year!! We didn't do anything for New Year's; heck we were in bed by 9:30 (wow I feel old). I had a lot of things I had planned to do on New Year's day though and I didn't even get half of them done. That's what happens when you have kids. You make to do lists so you know what you're not getting done.

We did get all of Christmas decorations put away (well except for the lights still on the house that never even worked) and put them back in storage. While we were reorganizing our storage unit, I decided to pull out some baby stuff to freecycle. I pulled out the walker (that my son never even used) and the swing. My husband wanted to get rid of the bassinet too but I said nope.

"Why not"

"Cause I'm not ready to have another baby yet" and he looked at me like I was nuts.


"Don't you know anything about Murphy's Law? When a woman gets rid of all her baby stuff, she gets pregnant soon after. That's the way it works. So we can't get rid of too much stuff cause we're not having another baby right now"


Anyway, here is the video I promised of my Christmas Day mess. Everything hadn't been brought in quite yet, but you get the picture.

You could barely walk through the living room by the end of the day. Here's what our living room looked like only 2 days later.

And here it is January 3 and we still don't have everything out of it's packaging yet. But we're getting there...slowly. Maybe the kids will have all their new stuff opened by March.