Tuesday, February 26, 2008

You ate the WHOLE box?!

Girl scout cookies were recently delivered. We had ordered some boxes from my sister and some from Eric's cousin. My absolute favorite are the Caramel Delights. They have always been my favorite. When I sold cookies, they were called Samoa's. Same cookie, different name, still taste great. Anyway, so I ordered 2 boxes of those from my sister. One evening while I was knitting, I devoured about 7 cookies. When I got home the next day, the rest were gone. Eric said he and Ereka ate them. Ok, no biggie, there's still a whole other box. Well, fast forward to Friday evening, I wanted some cookies. I go in search for the purple box and I can't find it. I ask Eric about it. He looked at me and said, "Well I was just going to eat a couple, but they were so good, I ended up eating the whole box." Are you kidding me? At first, I thought he was just joking and he had hidden the box from me. But no. He ate the whole dang box. He said, "Don't worry, I'm sure I ordered a box of those from my cousin." Ok.

Well Sunday, we picked up the cookies he ordered from his cousin. Hmmm. There is a red box, an orange box and a green box. I look at Eric. He just smiles and says, "I'm sorry. I must have ordered you the green box instead of the purple one." Oh well. It's not like I really needed them anyway. Yesterday, he was scrounging looking for something to snack on and I commented, "Well why don't you eat a box of cookies." I was joking, but apparently he didn't realize it because he ate another box of cookies. Well that's ok. Last night, I proceeded to hide the rest of the cookies, with the exception of the green boxes because I know he hates Thin Mints. Ahhhhh. I feel much better. We'll see how long it takes him to notice they're gone.

On a completely unrelated matter, both kids have had their well-baby and well-child checkups. Ereka had hers last week. She is doing great. The doctor went to check her ears and lo and behold, an ear infection. Go figure. Other than that, she's fine. She's growing perfect. I was a little concerned about her weight, but she is in the 98% for her weight and 77% for her height. The doctor said she will probably burn quite a bit when it warms up and she is outside more being more active. Although I'm sure the snacking her and Eric do everyday doesn't help. And she didn't get any shots. She was sooooo worried she was going to be getting shots or blood taken. The doctor asked me if I wanted to do it that day or wait until next year. Well since I had Ethan with me, I opted to wait. The doctor said that's typically what they do anyway.

Now on to Ethan. He had his 15 month checkup yesterday. He wasn't quite so lucky with the shots. He got three yesterday. Ethan is weighing in at 23.5 pounds and is 30" tall. He's developing great. He's doing everything he's supposed to be doing with the exception of talking. He's still not talking. He does a lot of babbling. Everything is dada dada dada dada. The doctor said he could just be a late talker. She said we'll give until he's 18 months old before we start worrying. She's not too concerned about it because he's doing everything else he supposed to be doing. She also said, that if we, um, lose, um, the, um pacifier, that would probably help. We're working on it. I promise. I think we're just going to have to round them all up and toss them in the trash. The doctor said they really don't need them after 15-18 months anyway because typically, they can be given something else to soothe them, such as a blankie or a toy. I see a sleepless weekend coming on.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Ereka

And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone else! Today is Ereka's 4th birthday. Awww, my baby is growing up L. I asked her how old she was today and her response, "I'm 3 years old."

"No, you're 4 today."

"I don't wanna be 4, I wanna be 3."

"Well I'm sorry honey, but you're a big girl now and you're 4 years old."

"Well I'm mad at you now."

"Well I still love you."

"I love you too mommy. I guess I can be 4."

I'm glad that's settled (cause I'm not sure I could handle her being 3 again)

So after I got off work yesterday, I stopped at the store to buy something for Valentine's Day for Eric. Let me tell you something. Valentine's Day is all about Women. Everything is for women. Nothing for Men. Unless your man likes cutesy little animals or heart-shaped anything. And I was not the only person waiting until the last minute to buy anything. It took me 10 minutes to get through the VD section. I was finally able to find a lovey dovey
cutesy nice card and a frog balloon. Here is a couple of pictures of the balloon.

It's actually quite cute. And my wonderful husband got me a very nice card and a stuffed bear. And we're going to double date with my brother and his wife tomorrow night and go out to dinner. YAY! An evening among adults (thank you Mom!!). HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Moment of Truth

I don't know if any of you have seen this new show on fox. Click on the fox link and watch some recaps. It's actually quite entertaining to watch. However, I don't know who in their right mind would ever be a contestant on this show. There is not enough money in the world for me to go on this show. The contestants have to answer several VERY personal questions and if they are telling the truth, they move up the money pyramid but if the lie detector says they are lying, they lose everything. These people are insane. I consider myself to be a truthful person, but there are just some things in my life that everyone doesn't need to know. Everyone has secrets. And I guess if you want to tell the whole world what those secrets are (and risk ruining relationships/friendships, etc), then by all means, go on the show! I, however, will keep my secrets to myself. Watch the show. It's on tonight. What's your opinion? Would you go on the show?

On a totally unrelated note, I want to thank my cousin Destiney for earning me $0.62 by purchasing the greatest looming book of all time through my Amazon link. This is the first earning from this blog. THANK YOU!! By the way, if you're interested in the same book, you can search "Loom Knitting Primer" or "Isela Phelps" in the Amazon box to the right. Thanks again!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I was having fun 10 years ago

I got an email last week from our senior year class president regarding a 10-year reunion. WHAT?! 10 years already!! I can't believe it. It has flown by. I absolutely loved my senior year of high school. I went to every single sporting and school event I could. I went to my prom after only deciding to go the day before (which made shopping for a dress interesting). I had tons of fun. I would love to be a "professional student". LOL. Get paid for going to school. Now that would be a great job! Maybe later this week, I will scan in some old pictures from high school. Ahhh, the good ole days.
On another note, I learned that Ereka's bed (the frame) is about 51 years old. It's a bunk bed set. My mom and my aunt slept on the set for years and then me and my sister slept on the set for several more years. So it's on its 3rd generation now. My cousin brought up an interesting fact yesterday though. Lead paint. Hmmmm. This thought never even crossed my mind. So I went home and examined the bed. It didn't appear to be painted, just finished. But I thought better be safe than sorry and dug out a lead tester (thank you Mom & Bob) and tested the wood part and the metal part (hey, you never know). And the results were…NO LEAD!! (whew).

This past weekend, I pulled out my container of yarn and made note of what I had. WOW. That crap stuff accumulates fast. Here's a couple of pictures.

This was before I started digging it out and organizing it.
And this was after I organized it.

And here's a picture of a mitten I made. It's really thick and warm. I need to sew the thumb better, but other than that, I think it's pretty good!

And here's a recent picture of the kids.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Can you hear me now?

Well I am still fighting this stupid ear infection. My ear doesn't hurt anymore, but it still feels full and it's still ringing and I can barely hear out of it. It's driving me crazy!!

On another note, I finally was able to finish my plastic bag holder. I was on hiatus from my knitting since Ethan was sick and I was sick. I finished it last night and I really like it. Here's a couple of pictures:

It was really easy to make and I probably could have had it done in just a few evenings if I hadn't had sickly interruptions. I'm gonna make another one and try putting some stripes in it and if I can do it, eventually I want to make one with our last name down the side or maybe at least just an H. We'll see. I haven't decided what my next project is gonna be. I want to practice some different stitches first.

Some more news on the home front, Ereka got a new bed last weekend. Here's some pictures:

This was the first day we brought it home and put her brand new sheet/comforter set on it. We just set on the floor and picked up the frame the next day.

This was after we put it on the frame and rearranged her room a bit. Some of you may recognize the footboard. It's the same frame me and Kandyce slept on for i don't know how many years!!! Now if only Ereka would actually sleep all night in her bed. I could have just bought the sheet set and set it up on the floor.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Mommy, M.D.

I don't care what doctors say. I'm a mommy and I say ear infections are contagious. They are in my household anyway. And I'm betting just about every mommy will agree with me.

I woke up Sunday morning around 3:30 am with the worst earache ever. And of course Ethan was sleeping comfortably on my chest (after yet another very looooong night) and there was no way I was moving. So I laid there for an hour in excruciating pain. Finally, Ethan sat up and then promptly laid back down on the pillow next to me. I'm not sure he even opened his eyes. I quickly, yet carefully, took this opportunity to get up and take something for the pain.

I rummaged through my medicine bottles and was thinking that I'd really like to take the Percocet or the Demerol I have, but I better just stick with the prescription Ibuprofen. The others would make me too drowsy to function and since I am a mommy, I still have to take care of everyone else who is sick. Luckily, the Ibuprofen worked and the pain subsided. When we got up for the day, I decided I was not doing another night like that and told Eric we were going to Immediate Care that day. Surely they won't be that busy on a Sunday. He and Ereka could go eat lunch while Ethan and I saw the doctor and by the time they were done, we should be done. That was a stupid idea.

The place opens at Noon on Sundays and we pulled into the parking lot around 11:45. You would have thought the place was having some kind of sale. The line stretched clear across the parking lot. It probably would have been a 3-4 hour wait minimum. And so we exited the parking lot and went back home. I called our doctor first thing Monday morning and by the time I actually got through and was able to talk to anyone, all of their Monday appointments were taken. So I made an appointment for Ethan today. My ear didn't hurt anymore, so I opted not to make myself an appointment. Another stupid idea.

About 8:00 pm last night, my ear started hurting again. I took some more medicine and went to bed. Luckily I was able to see our doctor at the same time as Ethan this morning and found out I have an ear infection and Ethan has a double ear infection. I give it a couple of days and Ereka will have an ear infection too. Like I said, ear infections are contagious in our household.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Practice makes perfect!!

My recently finished loom knitting projects...

This is a beanie hat for one of Ereka's babies.
This was supposed to be a potholder. I did much better on it after the first half.
World's ugliest hat ever. I was just practicing with some ugly yarn that had been given to me.
Can Coozie. Again, I was just practicing with the ugly yarn. I'm gonna modify this pattern and try it again though.

No these are perfect projects, but the only way to learn is to practice. And yes these are ugly, but I'm gonna use my good pretty yarn on practice projects. I'm currently working on a plastic bag holder. I'll post a picture of it when I'm finished. TTFN!!