Monday, March 31, 2008

Go Wingnuts!!

CNBC is hosting a Minor League Baseball Logo Contest and the Wichita Wingnuts have made it to the Final Four! Go Wingnuts!! Click on this link ( to vote. The polls close at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, so vote now! This team hasn't even played a single game yet and they are already so close to winning this contest. So forward this to everyone you know (cause it may be the only thing they ever win).

And while we're discussing Final Four victories (even though I'm a K-State fan), congratulations to KU for their close call victory over Davidson yesterday (and my joy for their win has absolutely nothing to do with my March Madness bracket). GO KU!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Catchin' Up

Ok, so I know it's been awhile, but I've been super busy. Honestly. Work has been crazy. And by the time I get home in the evenings, the last thing I want to do is sit at the computer and update everyone else on my life. But things have quieted down somewhat for now. So now I get to play catchup at work and at home. Although I did make time to work on my knitting. I just finished two more projects. I finished Ereka's legwarmers a couple of weeks ago. Here's a couple of pictures.

I also finished a lighthouse dishcloth 2 nights ago. I'm pretty proud of the dishcloth. It was a needle knit pattern that I converted to loom knit. I only made a few mistakes which I now refer to as "kid distractions" because I'm sure that's what happened. Here's a picture of the dishcloth.

And I'm super excited because my new wonderloom from dalooms finally arrived today. I can't wait to try it out this weekend. What else have I been up to? Not a whole lot (as you can tell from the pictures of Ereka with my dirty floor that obviously needs to be vacuumed). But I have proof that I've been doing laundry because I did manage to do this to Eric's brand new white T-shirts.

Nice, huh. It took half a gallon of bleach to turn them white again.

Eric and both kids were sick this week with a stomach bug. YUK. That's all I have to say about that. Other than that, everyone is doing great. I wish the weather would warm up and stay that way. Ereka is going bonkers inside the house all day everyday. I'll upload some new pictures of the kids this weekend. Have a great weekend everyone!!