Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The Pointer Sisters describe it best with their hit song "I'm so Excited." I'm finally getting my all-time favorite show back!! WOOHOO!! Our local po-dunk cable company is finally getting SoapNet. Those that know me best know exactly what show I'm talking about. And it's not a daytime soap. I should have my show back by the end of summer. WOOHOO!! And to top off that good news, I just found out that they are doing a spinoff of the show coming this fall. WOOHOO!! Can you tell I'm a little excited?

Ok, now that I can breathe again, Ethan had his 18 month checkup yesterday. Everything went well. He's weighing 25lbs, 3ozs and is 31" tall. He's developing normally. Except his speech. He is babbling a lot more and talks in his own language, but the doctor said he should be able to say at least 6 words by now. Soooo, here's the plan. He has a regular well checkup in 6 months. But, if he doesn't know at least 6 words (besides mama and dada) within 3 months, I have to take him back and we'll move on to speech therapy. The reason she is giving him 3 more months is because he has improved in the last three months and he still may improve more. So we're gonna try some of the suggestions from doctor to encourage him to talk more and see where we're at in 3 months. That's all I have for now.

UPDATE: So I was able to dwindle my Yahoo Group list down to just 16 groups and thus reducing my daily emails to about 200 - 300 per day and about 600 on the weekends. It's much better.

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