Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Ok, so I know I haven't posted in quite awhile, but I've been super busy. As a matter of fact, my update today is going to consist of the reasons I haven't had time to update.

  1. I have three two children and a husband. Nuf said.
  2. I'm reading two books and yes, I'm reading them at the same time. I'm reading Scream-Free Parenting which is actually a really good book so far. And I'm reading Storitelling. It's a guilty pleasure so get over it. AND I'm reading my dad's second book and editing it. However, I haven't picked up any of these books in several weeks.
  3. See number 1 above.
  4. I'm working on a baby blanket for my sisters baby. Well, I intend to make a baby blanket. I haven't actually started it yet.
  5. Have you met my family?
  6. I'm working on a how-to/procedures manual type thing for work to make my life easier. This is a much bigger task than it sounds.
  7. Thank goodness for BC. You figure it out.
  8. I am planning my sisters baby shower for this Saturday. Yes I know. It's crazy to have it during a holiday week, but that's the day that worked.

In addition to these ongoing projects, I have stuff I have to do everyday. I get up at 5:30 a.m. every morning. I get Ereka up at 6 am and feed her breakfast. I pick out clothes for both kids and lay them out for Eric. If Ereka happens to be done with breakfast by 6:20, I help her get dressed. If she's dilly-dallying around, it's Eric's problem. I try to be out the door by 6:30. I am at work from 7 am to 5 pm. I'm home by about 5:45 pm and before I can even put my keys down, I get "What's for dinner?" If I'm lucky, I have dinner on the table by 6:45. Then I get to clean up after EVERYONE. Then I start getting the kids ready for bed. Ethan is usually in bed by 7:30. Yes this seems early, but remember, we rise early. Ereka is in bed by 8. By this time I'm too dang exhausted and have absolutely no interest in doing anything listed above. And I'm pretty sure somewhere in there I'm supposed to clean the house, do laundry and spend quality time with my family.

All of this being said, I finally started on a baby hat for Kandyce's baby and will hopefully finish it tonight. I am prioritizing and I figure I will get everything done I want to get done some time in the next 10 years.

I'm thinking I need to reorganize.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I hate to tell you this, but in your whole lifetime you will never catch up. :)